Can scented candles also be sustainable?

Aina Kari has created various fragrances of scented candles that are bespoke and inspired by the iconic Italian cultural heritages.

    Each scented candle is created with the intent of being regenerative with each candle having a second life as a design object; the most common question that is raised is: "what will happen to this product once finished?"

    The 100% natural wax luxury candles are born inside a reusable vase, as we talk about the important measure, not a small anonymous. Once the candle is finished, you can simply turn it into a cocktail glass, fruit salad, and anything you may need to create your own Sunday Evening Cocktail Collection. 

    The Candle is reborn

    We are aware that most of the products are not conceived and designed with a vision of recycling, and even the recyclable ones do not undergo a correct and monitored process. Of course, this candle will not change the world, but the principle lies in being able to show us that a consumer can practice responsible and sustainable shopping.

    How to reuse your design candle?

    It is interesting to see how a product can immediately have a second life. And if this process becomes easy and the design is so innovative, with a history behind, then we can say they have achieved our goal.

    It is also important to underline that Aina Kari works only with Italian suppliers all located in Veneto and Milan area to ensure the highest quality, local sourcing, and transparency in the search for materials or production process. 

    What design elements can be added to convey a useful message to a product? We have seen how small details, when chosen with care, can have an important impact on the consumer.

    Good for the soul, positive for the community.

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